Blackswaen Biscuit Malt 27L

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Pound or Ounce

Malt Type: Specialty
Grain Origin: Netherlands
Wort Color: 19-27 °Lovibond (50-70 EBC)
Moisture: 4.5% max.
Extract (dry): 77% min.
Diastatic Power:
Usage: 15% max.

 Obvious choice for coloring and malty flavors, for every type of beer. Strong, sweet malt flavor, and sufficient enzymatic power. Allows the flavor of specialty malts to come through especially biscuit hints. Also imparts bread aroma and taste.

Located in the Netherlands - for more than a century The Swaen malthouse has been producing premium quality malt for all types of beer, from pale lagers to dark ales, bitters and stouts. Their exceptionally high-quality raw materials, technologically advanced facility, and long-held traditional expertise make The Swaen malts highly desirable.