Briess Black Malt 500L

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Pound or Ounce

Malt Type: Roasted
Grain Origin: North America
Wort Color: 500 °Lovibond (1330 EBC)
Moisture: 6.0% max.
Extract (dry):
Diastatic Power: 0 °Lintner
Usage: 10% max.

Briess Black is a dark roasted malt made from 2-row barley. It has a dry, roasted flavor that is slightly sharp but surprisingly neutral. It imparts dark brown to black color to wort, but unlike roasted (unmalted) barley, Black malt has little affect on the foam color of the finished beer. Briess Black malt can be used in small quantities (1-3%) to add color to any style beer with little or no flavor. It is typically used in higher quantities and often in combination with other roasted grains for darker beers like porters and stouts.