Omega Yeast OYL-437 German Lager 1 + DKO

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One of the world’s most prominent lager strains. Sports a versatile malty profile with light esters at a wide fermentation range. Maintain a more crisp profile by fermenting low or bring out slightly heightened esters at warmer temps (65 – 68°F). Avoid any hints of diacetyl and up your lager game.

What is DKO Technology?
DKO stands for Diacetyl Knock Out — a technology that knocks out diacetyl formation before it starts. Each strain utilizing DKO Technology expresses the ALDC enzyme, allowing you to streamline efficiency and quality without the diacetyl hang-up.

Omega Yeast’s metabolically healthy cells produce vigorous fermentation and consistent results for Probrewers and Homebrewers alike.


  • Flocculation: Medium - Low
  • Attenuation: 73 - 77%
  • Temperature Range: 45–68° F (7-20° C)
  • Alcohol Tolerance: 9% ABV